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A Guide to Germinating Seeds in Paper Towel

Seeds Germinated in Paper Towel
Blanket Flower seeds that were germinated in paper towel.

Germinating seeds in paper towel is a quick and easy way to get your hydroponic plants started. 

This guide will share what I’ve learned over the years while using this method to maximize the  germination rate of my seeds. 

Germinating Seeds in Paper Towel

Hydroponics is a wonderful way to grow plants due to its many advantages. And, getting seeds to germinate is one of the most important aspects of a successful garden. 

There are multiple ways to go about this. But, I’ve found germinating seeds in paper towel is a very reliable (and cheap) approach which is why it is my go to method. 

Below are the simple steps I use to get seeds started.  

Step 1: Gather your materials

To germinate seeds in paper towels, you will need the following materials:

  • Seeds
  • Paper towel
  • Water
  • Ziploc bag
  • Pen and Paper

Step 2: Choose your seeds

Seeds Ready For Germination 680

Pour out some seeds and examine them. Discard any that are clearly bad. Expect around 80-90% germination rate assuming your seeds are of good quality and aren’t old. 

You can easily fit 20+ seeds on a paper towel. If cost is not a factor, germinate a few more than you have room to plant as some won’t germinate well if at all. 

Step 3: Dampen the paper towel

Take a paper towel and dampen it with water. You want the paper towel to be moist but not dripping wet. The seeds may drown or rot if the paper towel is too wet.

Fold the paper towel in half. 

Step 4: Place the seeds on the paper towel

Seeds on Paper Towel

Place your seeds on the dampened paper towel. Space them out, and make sure they are all in contact with the damp paper towel.

Step 5: Fold the paper towel

Seeds in Damp Paper Towel

Fold the paper towel over the seeds so that they are sandwiched between two layers of paper towel.

Step 6: Place the paper towel in a Ziploc bag

Seeds and Paper Towel in Ziploc

Place the paper towel inside a Ziplock bag. On a piece of paper, write down the name of the plant and date. If you are anything like me, you will have multiple sets of seeds germinating at once! 

Seal the bag to create a warm, humid environment for the seeds, since this will help the seeds germinate faster. 

Pro Tip: I also like to blow some air into the Ziplock as I close it so that it balloons and creates more of a greenhouse effect.

Step 7: Wait for the seeds to germinate

Place the bag in a warm, sunny place like a window sill. Check on the seeds every day to see if they have germinated. 

Depending on the type of seed, it can take anywhere from a few days to a week or more for the seeds to germinate.

Step 8: Transplant the seeds

Seeds are ready to be transplanted into your hydroponic garden once the seeds have germinated and have small sprouts. Gently remove the sprouts from the paper towel and plant them in your hydroponic growing medium.  

Transplanted seedling

It goes without saying this same process works great for traditional soil gardening, as well. 

Sometimes it is helpful to use tweezers if your sprouts are tiny. Be gentle to avoid harming roots. Also, it may be necessary to tear the paper towel to safely remove the seedlings. 

And, that’s all there is to it! Germinating seeds in paper towel is a simple and effective way to get your hydroponic garden started. With just a few materials and some patience, you can have healthy, thriving plants in no time. Happy gardening!

Ready to get some ideas on what to plant next? Head on over to our article on 10 plants that thrive in a hydroponic garden
