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Company Spotlight: Square Roots

Square Roots provides a number of herbs and salad mixes.
Square Roots uses refurbished shipping containers to hydroponically grow pesticide-free, non-GMO herbs and salad mixes. | Source: Square Roots

Founded in 2016 by Tobias Peggs and Kimbal Musk, Square Roots is a modern, urban farming company that uses innovative hydroponic technologies to produce fresh, locally grown food.

The company aims to transform the food system by growing fresh greens locally in cities where they will be consumed.

Square Roots Farms

Square Roots grows all its produce in sophisticated hydroponic vertical farms built into refurbished shipping containers.

These containers are vertically stackable and produce remarkably efficient crop yields on a per square foot basis. Square Roots currently operates farms in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio. 

The company’s current focus is on herbs and leafy greens, such as basil and mixed greens. These can be grown and harvested quickly 365 days a year in a controlled environment.

Square Roots’ crops are grown without pesticides or GMOs ensuring customers receive high-quality, healthy produce.

Square Roots uses refurbished shipping containers for its vertical farms.
Square Roots uses refurbished shipping containers for its vertical farms. | Source: Square Roots

To emphasize the mission of selling locally-grown produce, the company offers an innovative feature called the “Square Roots Transparency Timeline“.

This feature allows customers to see exactly where and when their food was grown. Simply input the QR code on the Square Roots website, and you’ll be presented with the origin story of your food. Pretty cool!

Vertical Farming Challenges

The company has not been immune to industry-wide challenges impacting vertical farms, however.

 In a recent press release, it was announced cost-cutting measures would result in layoffs and the closure of its Brooklyn facility.

CEO Tobias Peggs hopes these steps will ensure the financial health of the company as it navigates a tough inflationary environment.


Square Roots represents an innovative and forward-thinking approach to food production. 

By using cutting-edge technologies, and engaging with local communities, the company is working to create a more sustainable food system while also providing customers with high-quality, fresh produce.

Interested in learning more about recent events in the hydroponics space? Click here for more articles!
