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Is Nutrient Film Technique Hydroponics Right for You? Examining the Potential Challenges and Risks

Diagram of Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) hydroponic system
Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) hydroponics involves pumping nutrient-rich water through channels for plant roots to absorb.

Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) hydroponics is a proven method for growing hydroponically but has some challenges due to its design. Before starting down your indoor gardening journey, be sure you have chosen the right system for your desired outcomes. 

Nutrient Film Technique involves a thin film of nutrient solution flowing continuously over the roots of plants. Due to the design, NFT can offer several advantages, including very efficient water use and the ability to scale your garden vertically. 

Along with the positives, Nutrient Film Technique has some potential downsides you should understand to ensure it is the right hydroponic system for your needs. Let’s talk through what I consider to be the biggest downsides.

Root problems

In NFT, the roots of plants are grown in a channel that holds the flowing nutrient solution. As a result, you can see a couple of issues with roots in a NFT system that you might not see in other types of systems.

First, roots can grow too large and clog the channel. Roots can dam the channel and result in a lack of nutrient solution to other plants in the system.

Second, you should monitor the flow rate of the solution so that it isn’t too low or uneven. Otherwise, the roots may dry out leading to stress and reduced growth.

Limited support for large plants

NFT is best suited for smaller plants with shallow root systems, such as lettuce or herbs. NFT channels are not very large. There is not a lot of room for plants with large root systems, such as tomatoes. Constricting root growth is a sure way to reduce plant yield.

As mentioned above, large plants tend to grow larger root masses that may clog the channel.

The size of the plants I’m planning to grow is one of my biggest considerations for choosing another option over Nutrient Film Technique!

Risk of power outages

Imagine going out of town for a couple of days and coming back to a dead garden. Yes, this is a real risk! 

NFT requires a continuous flow of nutrient solution to work properly. And, you can see in the diagram NFT uses an electric water pump to transport solution to plant roots. Therefore, any interruption in the flow of nutrient solution from a power outage can quickly lead to plant stress and even death!

Risk of nutrient buildup

If the nutrient solution is not properly managed, a buildup of salts and minerals can occur in the system, which can harm plant growth and health.

Limited range of crops

NFT is best suited for growing crops that can tolerate a shallow root system and do not require a large amount of nutrients. This limits the range of crops that can be grown using this technique. That’s why lettuce and other leafy greens are so popular in Nutrient Film Technique systems.

Maintenance requirements

NFT systems require frequent monitoring and maintenance to ensure proper flow rates, nutrient levels, and pH levels. And, this can be time-consuming and may require specialized knowledge and equipment.

All in all, NFT is a great option to consider. Just be aware of these challenges so you can have the knowledge and preparation to address them.

